MitoSOX superoxide indicators are novel fluorogenic dyes specifically targeted to mitochondria in live cells. Oxidation of the MitoSOX reagent by mitochondrial superoxide produces bright green or red fluorescence.
Monitor cell proliferation and viability with the resazurin-based PrestoBlue and PrestoBlue HS cell viability reagents. These nontoxic and cell permeable reagents quantitatively measure cell viability in as little as 10 minutes using absorbance- or fluorescence-based microplate readers.
CellEvent™ Senescence Green Detection Kit consists of a fluorescent probe and optimized buffer that enable the image-based detection of senescent cells
CellEvent Caspase-3/7 detection reagents are novel fluorogenic substrates for apoptosis detection. These substrates detect activated caspase-3/7 in live cells that can be fixed and multiplexed with antibody detection workflows.
Detect apoptosis in cells and tissues samples with Click-iT Plus TUNEL Assay kits, which offer easy dye incorporation and can be multiplexed with GFP and RFP.
CellROX™ Orange Reagent is a novel fluorogenic probe for measuring oxidative stress in live cells. This cell-permeant dye is non-fluorescent while in a reduced state and exhibits bright orange fluorescence upon oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS), with absorption/emission maxima of ∼545/565 nm.