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Cell Culture Grade Water Tested to USP Sterile Water for Injection Specifications, Corning™

Artikelnummer. 15373581
missing translation for 'orderingAttributeHoverText'
6 x 100 mL
6 x 500 mL
20 L
6 x 1 L
1 x 100 L
1 x 200 L
Bioprocess Container
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Manufactured under cGMP (21 CFR 820) in ISO 13485 certified facility
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Manufactured under cGMP (21 CFR 820) in ISO 13485 certified facility

High quality water for use in cell culture applications. Corning™ Cell Culture Grade Water Tested to USP Sterile Water are used in preparation of purification and chromatography buffers.

Cell culture grade water is high-quality water suitable for use as a solvent in the preparation of cell culture media and other reagents for sensitive applications. Our bioprocess container selections are suitable for large-scale applications such as cleaning and upstream and downstream reagent preparation. Cell culture grade water goes through a wide array of testing which includes testing to the chemical and physical properties found in the USP and EP monographs for sterile Water for Injection (WFI).


Supplied in a plastic bottle except MT-25-055-LB and -LH, which come in flexible media bags.



Packaging Bottle
Quantity 6 x 1 L
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